Rubber Roof Repair Plainview TX

As one of the most popular roofing choices for commercial roofs, rubber roofing has been proven with its durability, affordability, and long-lasting protection. However, like all other roofing types, there will come a day when your rubber roof will develop issues. After all, it is constantly being exposed to the elements of nature which will age it. If you have noticed that your Plainview, TX facility is in need of a few rubber roof repairs, don’t hesitate to call our office at 806-388-0088.

Our team at TRD Commercial Roofing had the industry experience and professionalism needed to provide repair solutions of every kind. We are here to assist you to get your rubber roof back to performing at its best.

Signs Repairs are Needed

For the last six decades, rubber roofs have been providing protection to facilities across the US. They are a very durable membrane and are generally sealed with an adhesive or seam tape. Because of their popularity, they have been proven to provide superior protection for all weather climates. However, with all the good, there will come a time when your roof will need attention. Rubber roofs are prone to some common problems, which include:

  • Punctures – Rubber membranes are susceptible to punctures, tears, rips and holes. These can be caused by excessive foot traffic, debris, or other elements.
  • Shrinkage – In colder climates, temperatures can cause the membrane to shrink. This leads to gaps that water can infiltrate.
  • Deterioration – Eventually UV light can damage the membrane, which causes it to deteriorate.
  • Ponding Water – After a storm, water that sits on the roof for more than 48 hours can being to deteriorate your membrane. This can cause leakage and other costly problems.

If you have noticed any of these problems on your rubber roofing system, or anything else out of the ordinary, call 806-388-0088.

Your Rubber Roof Repair Experts

The team at TRD Commercial Roofing is here to help your facility with any problems that you are facing. We provide rubber roof repair solutions for jobs of all sizes, and are happy to come inspect your Plainview, TX property. To start, just give us a call at 806-388-0088 and we will send one of our highly trained professionals out to handle it.